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COVID-19 VACCINation Resources
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We hosted optional COVID-19 vaccination virtual live Q&A educational sessions and gave attendees the opportunity to ask questions to a doctor. Here's the recording of our last session!


Sherilynn Cooke, MD, MPH
Primary Care Physician - Internal Medicine
President of Sinkler Miller Medical Association
Affiliate of the National Medical Association
Hover over the picture to learn more about Dr. Cooke.

Malika N. Kheraj, MD, FACP
Associate Infectious Disease Consultant
Assistant Chief of Department of Medicine
Hover over the picture to learn more about Dr. Kheraj.

Dr. Malika Kheraj, MD, FACP
"I was born and raised in Pakistan. I graduated from medical school in Karachi Pakistan, got married, and moved to California, USA (where my husband resided). In pursuit of my medical training, I completed my residency at St. Luke’s Hospital in Pennsylvania and my infectious disease fellowship at Mt. Zion/UCSF in San Francisco.
I specialize in infectious disease. My main interest is in geographical medicine, in addition to all other infections.
While my practice includes adults of all ages, one of my clinical interests is in the care of young adults.
I speak Urdu, fluent Hindi, and basic Bengali. When I am not in the office, I enjoy being a Mom. I have 2 wonderful children, a daughter and a son. I commit some of my time to community service and enjoy reading and music. "

Dr. Sherilynn Cooke, MD, MPH
"I am most interested in helping people achieve and maintain good health by developing healthy habits, and by taking action early to prevent complications from chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.
I grew up in a large, close family in Compton, California. I attended local schools and received my undergraduate degree in biology from Cal Poly Pomona, and a Master of Public Health (MPH) in behavioral sciences and health education from UCLA. After working for several years for San Diego County, Departments of Health and Social Services, I moved north and returned to school for my medical degree at Stanford University. I made the Bay Area my home and completed my internship and residency in primary care internal medicine at Alameda County Medical Center in Oakland.
I am quite busy when I'm not at work. I love horses and I'm an avid trail rider and enjoy competing in Team Penning and Working Cow Horse events. I find swimming a great way to get a cardiovascular workout without straining joints. I swim in a masters swim program, and have done several mile-long open water swims in the San Francisco Bay as well as the ocean. I also love scuba diving and visiting tropical warm locations with great reefs. When I'm not traveling, diving or riding, I enjoy hiking Bay Area trails, visiting family and friends, and hanging out with my dogs and cats as much as possible."
Could not attend?
Watch the recorded session at the top of the page and/or our collection of resources curated from reliable health-related sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health Departments, and trusted healthcare providers below. If you still have unanswered questions, send them to debora.c.finkler@kp.org and we'll get one of the doctors to answer them.
COVID-19 Vaccines Helpful information
Most topics below are covered in our sessions.
Click here to visit our main source, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or go to these direct links:
Key things to know about COVID-19 vaccines - a great summary of the main facts.
Choosing Safe Activities - Fully vaccinated or Not Vaccinated - an excellent source of information regarding safe activities to choose if you're vaccinated or not.
Frequently asked questions - short answers for the most common questions around COVID-19 vaccination. More in-depth information can be found for the top 5 most asked questions below.
How do I get a COVID-19 vaccine?​ - this information varies from state to state. Use the drop-down menu on the linked page to select your state to get the latest regional guidelines from your relevant Department of Health.
What are the different COVID-19 vaccines available? - learn about all three FDA-approved vaccines and trial information for other options.
What are the COVID-19 vaccine side effects? - learn about the most common side effects and how to manage them.
What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine? - learn about what you can and cannot start doing again after you get your vaccine.
Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe? - learn why it is safe to trust the approved vaccines.

vaccine safety
Watch the 1:45-min video above or click here to learn more about how the government agencies ensure the safety of vaccines in the United States.
Click here see the CDC's guidelines for vaccinated people.

Click here to learn about what you can and cannot start doing again after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

covid-19 vaccination myths & facts
It is easy to get confused with all the information that reaches us from various sources. Find these and more COVID vaccine facts and myth & facts created by Kaiser Permanente on this source page. Click here for CDC COVID-19 Vaccine myths & facts.

FACT: mRNA vaccines such as Moderna and Pfizer CANNOT change
your DNA. Learn more
FACT: You CANNOT get COVID-19 from any of the vaccines. Learn more
FACT: The available COVID vaccines ARE SAFE and their development DID NOT skip any scientific requirements. Learn more
Click here to see cdc covid-19 vaccines myths and facts
For questions or comments, email:
BCI employees: HREmployeeServices@blackstone-consulting.com
RJB employees: jennifer.patterson@rjb-properties.com
SUSA & AUS employees: debora.c.finkler@kp.org